Book Manuscript
Checks in the Balance: Legislative Capacity and the Dynamics of Executive Power (with Alexander Bolton). 2022. Princeton University Press.
Winner of the 2022 Alan Rosenthal Prize and the 2023 Richard E. Neustadt Book Award
Peer-Reviewed Publications
[15] “Pipeline Diversity via Career Diversity: Lessons from a Research Experience for Undergraduates” (with Jennifer Barnes, Emily Hencken Ritter, Alexander Tripp, Elizabeth J. Zechmeiseter). Conditionally accepted at PS: Political Science & Politics.
[14] “The Direct Cost to Voters of Polling Site Closure and Consolidation” (with Scott Abramson). Conditionally accepted at Political Science Research Methods.
[13] "Presidential Influence on Judicial Review" (with Paul J. Gardner). 2023. Journal of Politics. [Download Paper].
[12] “Between Two Fires: The Institutional and Political Constraints to Unilateral Policy Change .” 2023. Political Research Quarterly. [Download Paper]. [Replication Materials].
[11] “Legislative Constraints, Ideological Conflict, and the Timing of Executive Unilateralism” (with Alexander Bolton). 2022. Legislative Studies Quarterly. [Download Paper].
[10] "Presidential Action and the Supreme Court: The Case of Signing Statements." 2019. Journal of Theoretical Politics 31(4): 677 – 698. [Download Paper]. [Online Appendix].
[9] "Campaign Contributions and Donors’ Policy Agreement with Presidential Candidates" (with Michael Barber and Brandice Canes-Wrone). 2019. Presidential Studies Quarterly 49(4): 770 – 797. [Download Paper]. [Online Appendix].
[8] “Continuity Trumps Change: The First Year of Trump’s Administrative Presidency” (with Rachel Potter, Andrew Rudalevige, and Adam Warber). 2019. PS: Political Science & Politics 52(4): 613 – 619. [Download Paper].
[7] "Legislative Constraints on Executive Unilateralism in Separation of Powers Systems"(with Michael Barber and Alexander Bolton). 2019. Legislative Studies Quarterly 44(3): 515 – 548. [Download Paper]. [Online Appendix].
[6] "The Constraining Power of the Purse: Executive Discretion and Legislative Appropriations" (with Alexander Bolton). 2019. Journal of Politics 81(4): 1266 – 1281. [Download Paper]. [Online Appendix]. [Dataverse].
[5] "To Revoke or Not Revoke?: The Political Determinants of Executive Order Longevity." 2017. The American Journal of Political Science 61(3): 642 - 656. [Download Paper]. [Online Appendix]. [Dataverse].
[4] "Ideological Sophisticated Donors: Which Candidates Do Individual Contributors Finance?" (with Michael Barber and Brandice Canes-Wrone). 2017. The American Journal of Political Science 61(2): 271 - 288. [Download Paper]. [Online Appendix]. [Dataverse]. [AJPS Blog]. [LSE USAPP Blog].
[3] "The President, the Court, and Policy Implementation." 2017. Presidential Studies Quarterly 41(1): 122 - 145. [Download paper]. [Online Appendix].
[2] "Organization Capacity, Regulatory Review, and the Limits of Political Control." (with Alexander Bolton and Rachel Augustine Potter). 2016. The Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 32(2): 242 - 271. [Download paper]. [Online Appendix].
[1] "Legislative Capacity and Executive Unilateralism." (with Alexander Bolton). 2016. The American Journal of Political Science 60(3): 649-663. [Download paper]. [Online Appendix]. [Dataverse]. [LSE USAPP Blog]. [AJPS Blog].
Editor-Reviewed Publications
[5] “Not by the Numbers: Evaluating Trump’s Administrative Presidency” (with Rachel Potter, Andrew Rudalevige, and Adam Warber). 2022. Presidential Studies Quarterly. [Download Paper].
[4] “Executive Unilateralism and Individual Rights in a Federalist System” (with Meredith McLain). Forthcoming. William and Mary Law Review. [Download Paper].
[3] “Presidential Signing Statements and Separation of Powers Politics.” 2020. Journal of Political Institutions and Political Economy 1(1): 53 - 78 [Download Paper].
[2] “The Study of Executive Policy Making in the US States.” Journal of Politics 81(1): 364 – 370 (Subnational Policy Making Symposium). [Download Paper].
[1] "Policy Disruption through Regulatory Review in the Trump Administration." 2018. Presidential Studies Quarterly 45(3): 517 - 536. [Download Paper]. [Brookings].
Working Papers
“Audit or Ratify? Supreme Court Responses to Presidential Agency Instructions” (with Paul J. Gardner). Revise and resubmit.
Research in Progress
Judicial Constraints on Executive Powers (Book Project)
“Gender Diversity and Staff in Congressional Committees” (with Alexander Bolton)
“The Consequences of Congressional Staff Diversity on Public Policy” (with Alexander Bolton)
“State Legislatures and Regulatory Activity: To What Extent Are Lawmakers in Control” (with Alexander Bolton and Shelby Shumard)
“Regulatory Agendas Across Presidential Administrations” (with Nicholas R. Bednar)
“Presidential Public Appeals and Racial Messaging” (with Kennedy Harrison and Colette Marcellin)
“Expertise or Ideology: Judicial Review of Executive Branch Interpretations of the Law” (with Nicholas R. Bednar and Kaleigh Ruiz)
“Judicial Clerks and Deliberation” (with Kaleigh Ruiz)
“The Impact of Solicitor General Response Briefs on Certiorari” (with Paul J. Gardner)
“Governors and Executive Branches: The Role of Differences in Intra-Executive Relations in Shaping State Regulatory Activity” (with Alexander Bolton and Shelby Shumard)
“Gender Representation and Policymaking Across American Bureaucracies”